Microsoft MTA Database (98-364)

Week 1 en 2

Understanding core database concepts.

Week 2 en 3

Create database objects.

Week 4 en 5

Manipulate data.

Week 6 en 7

Understand data storage.

Week 8 en 9

Administer a database.

Week 10


Ultralogic PHP Essenstials (12-300)

Week 1

Opzetten van een ontwikkelomgeving met Debian, Hello World, Variabelen.

Week 2

Comments, Quotes & Concatination, Mathematical operators, Decision structures.

Week 3

Comparison operators, Logical operators, Arrays.

Week 4

Loops, HTML5 basics.

Week 5

GET & POST, Functies, Explode.

Week 6

strPos, isSet & empty, Mixen van PHP en HTML.

Week 7

File operations, PHP en MySQL.

Week 8

Class files, Constructor.

Week 9

Access modifiers en “this”, Getters en Setters.

Week 10

Afronding, toetsing.

Microsoft MTA Software Development C# (98-361)

Week 1 en 2

Understanding core programming.

Week 3 en 4

Understanding object-oriented programming.

Week 5 en 6

Understanding general software development.

Week 7

Understanding web applications.

Week 8

Understanding desktop applications.

Week 9

Understanding databases.

Week 10


Microsoft programming using HTML & CSS (98-383)

Week 1 en 2

Understand HTML Fundamentals.

Week 2 en 3

Understand CSS Fundamentals.

Week 4 en 5

Structure Documents Using HTML.

Week 6 en 7

Present Multimedia Using HTML.

Week 8 en 9

Style Web Pages Using CSS.

Week 10


Microsoft programming using Javascript (98-382)

Week 1 en 2

Program with JavaScript.

Week 3 en 4

Program with Variables.

Week 5

Implement and Analyze Decisions and Loops.

Week 6 en 7

Interact with the Document Object Model.

Week 8 en 9

Interact with HTML Forms.

Week 10
